
Goes for a Train Ride

by David L. Clapper

Filament Goes for a Train Ride

NE fine Fall day Filament’s Mom announced that she and Dad were going to attend a special Music Teachers’ Conference in Rochester, New York. Since it was several hundred miles away and the road conditions might be bad, it had been decided that it would be better to take the train instead of driving the car.

    Dad, if course, was all for it because he is such a fan of railroading. Filament and the others (Flagle, Felix, Frederick, Frowg and Flibbert) were a little saddened by the news because it meant they would probably be left at home ...alone and in the dark, for several days. What happened next, stunned Filament!

    “Filament....” mom called out, “would you like to go on a train ride with us?”

    Filament could hardly believe his ears! “Oh! Yes!” He replied, jumping for joy. “I’d love to go on a train!” Filament enjoyed trains about as much as his Dad. He so enjoyed watching the trains at the local train station and was always asking Dad to run the model trains on the Garden railroad in the back yard.

    The days before the trip passed slowly for Filament. All he could talk about with his friends was the promised train ride. Every day he’d ask: “Is today the day?” Mom or Dad would answer, “No, not today... but soon!”

    One day was especially exciting. Dad came home with the train tickets. “Oh, wow!” Filament exclaimed, “Is it time to go? Can I see my ticket?”

    “Teddy Bears don’t need a ticket to ride the train.” Dad told Filament.

    “Are you sure?” Filament asked. He had seen the Thomas the Tank Engine programs on TV and was pretty sure he had seen Teddy Bears buying tickets!

    “Don’t worry, Filament, I’ll carry you on the train in my backpack. The Conductor will think you’re part of our baggage.” Mom said, trying to set aside his fears.

    “Hmmpft!” Filament snorted in disgust. “Baggage!”

    All the others laughed and laughed and teased Filament about being baggage on the train. They even forgot their sadness about not being able to go.

    Finally, the day came. All the suitcases were packed and Mom had her backpack open on the bed. “Put on your coat, Filament and hop right in here.” Mom said, pointing to the open compartment. “You can leave your head out until we have to get on the train. Then I’ll have to zip the flap closed so you don’t fall out.”

    Off they went to the train station that Filament had visited so often. But, now he was going to go inside this wondrous building!

    The first thing Filament saw in the station was the ticket window with the Ticket Agent in a uniform just like on TV! There were many people sitting on the benches waiting for the train. He noticed that no other Teddy Bears were among the crowd. “Gosh!” He wondered to himself. “Maybe bears aren’t allowed on real trains!”

    Before Filament had time to worry, the Ticket Agent announced the train to Rochester. Mom zipped him into the backpack and she and Dad and all the rest of the crowd boarded the train. Mom and Dad found seats in the Cafe Car and soon settled in for the trip. Just as they were leaving the station, Mom opened the back pack and let Filament out so he could see the river and all the scenery.

    Soon the Conductor came by to collect their tickets. Filament tried to scrunch down in the back pack.... he still wasn’t sure it was alright for bears to be on the train. The Conductor didn’t seem to notice him, though, so he relaxed and enjoyed the view. After awhile Mom asked Dad to get them some lunch. Dad went over to the Cafe counter and soon was back to their seats with hot-dogs, chips and coffee. Filament was amazed that you could get food on a train! “Wait ‘til we travel cross country on a fancy train with a dining car. Then you can be amazed!” Dad said.

    The train ride to Rochester was pleasant.... and uneventful. Filament enjoyed seeing the scenery. Mom and Dad pointed out the Erie Canal and it’s Locks, the many villages and cities we passed through. After 5 hours had gone by the Conductor announced “Rochester, next stop!” Once again, Filament had to be stuffed in the backpack for the time it took to get off the train, take a taxi to the hotel and go up to the room. Filament was happy to get out of the backpack and sit on the king-size bed. “Very Comfy” he thought.

    Filament had to stay in the room while Mom and Dad were at the conference. He was a little worried about the hotel maids coming in and seeing him. He had been handled once by a maid in another hotel a long time ago, and it had frightened him because he didn’t know the lady. Of course, no harm had come to him, but Filament is a Champion Worry-wort!

    The three days at the Rochester Conference passed quickly for Filament. Mostly he sat on the bed and looked out the window or hid in the suitcase when Mom and Dad were out of the room. He did have a fine time though, and had many stories to tell when he returned home.

    Soon it was packing time and once more Filament was stuffed into the backpack for the ride to the Train Station. Once there the announcement “The train to New York will be an hour late.” Groans could be heard from the people in the waiting room. Mom and Dad sat near the window where they could see some freight engines going back and forth with various kinds of cars. Filament popped his head out of the back pack in time to see the action. After only 45 minutes, the Train was announced and Filament was once more stuffed into the backpack!

    The train trip home was pleasant but it soon got too dark for Filament to see much out of the window. Occasionally a town would flash by with holiday decorations shining in the night. The time was passed helping Mom with her puzzle books and reading. Dad brought some snacks and drinks form the Cafe Car and once again Filament marveled at the thought of eating on the train.

    All went well until the train arrived in Albany. Soon after it stopped, the train’s lights and heat went off! “Oh no!” Filament shouted. “I knew something bad would happen!”

    Dad laughed at the bear who was looking at the people on the platform. “Don’t they know we’re in trouble in here?” Filament cried out.

    “Now Filament, don’t get excited. The engine has been cut off the train in order to put on one that can run on electricity when it gets to New York City.” Dad explained.

    In a few minutes another engine was coupled to the train and the lights and heat returned. “Thank goodness!” Filament exclaimed as he settled back for the short ride home.

    Just 20 minutes later it was time once more for Filament to be stuffed into the backpack. Then it was over. The Train ride had ended. Within minutes the trio were at home and Filament was gathering his friends around.

    “You wouldn’t believe it” began Filament’s story.... The others listened closely as Filament told them of all the wonderful things he had seen and experienced on his “great Train Ride.”

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