Filament Goes
Trick or Treating

by David L. Clapper

Filament Goes Trick or Treating

NE fine Fall day, not far from the end of October, Filament was sitting with his friends enjoying the fine Indian Summer weather when he suddenly jumped up and announced "We're going to go trick or treating this Halloween!"

     The others, Fiona, Flagle and Dunkin' the Punkin' had also jumped up... having been startled by Filament's sudden outburst. Fiona and Flagle just looked at each other, wondering what sort of adventure this would bring about. Dunkin' however, was very excited for this was just what he waited all year for! "Oh! Yes! Let's go trick or treating!" he exclaimed!

     Filament paced back and forth as he thought and then gathering his friends in a huddle he said "I know where Mom keeps some costumes we could wear. I'm sure she would get them out for us to try on!"

     Fiona was a little worried about this idea of wearing a costume. "I've never gone trick or treating... or even worn anything but this pretty dress. Won't people laugh at us?"

     Flagle tried to reassure her that that was all part of the fun. He had dressed up last Halloween and was looking forward to doing it again. "Don't worry about it, Fiona, It's all a lot of fun and we might even get a lot of candy!"

     "That's it, exactly!" Filament said. "Let's find mom and try on some costumes."

     So off they went to find Mom who, as it turned out, was delighted to get out the collection of costumes from the Bear Box.. "Here, Filament, try on this ghost outfit. Fiona, here is a wonderful witch costume for you. And Flagle... you can dress up in this pumpkin costume! Dunkin.... I guess you are already in your costume!"

     They all laughed as they tried on their costumes. Dunkin' bounced around with excitement as his friends became a ghost, witch, and best of all.... a pumpkin!

     After a time of "Boo's" and swoops around the room Mom finally quieted them down and had them carefully remove their costumes. "I'll put the costumes back in the Bear Box for now." She told them. "Next week we'll get them out for Halloween and you can all go out with Dad and me to visit the neighbors."

     Well! The next week couldn't go by fast enough! All the talk among the bears was about trick or treating and dressing up in their costumes! Finally, Halloween arrived. Late in the afternoon Mom helped Filament, Fiona and Flagle into their costumes. The time had come!

     Shortly after sunset as the dark clouds hid the last light of the day, A ghost, witch, and two pumpkins could be seen going up the street. At the first house, the lady who opened the door jumped back in surprise when she saw the four goblins! "Oh My!" She exclaimed! "What sort of creatures do we have here?"

     Filament and his friends giggled and called out together: "Trick or Treat!"

     The lady cheerfully gave each a candy bar and the four tricksters chorused a "Thank you!" as they bounded on to the next house.

     As they turned the corner, the skies darkened and the wind whistled through the bare branches of the trees. Strange sounds of moaning could be heard as they neared the next house. The lawn was overgrown and the house looked old and empty. Flagle said "I don't think we should stop here!"

     "Nonsense!" said Filament. "There's nothing to be afraid of!"

     They continued up the walk. "I-i-i-is that a g-g-g gravestone?" Flagle said nervously.

     "Y-y-yes!" said Filament, "and it's moving!"

     Just then, a boney hand reached out towards them! They all screamed and ran home as fast as they could!

     Mom and dad arrived shortly afterwards and Mom teased the bears. "Were you frightened by the kids? Didn't they do a great job with their Halloween decorations/"

     "Decoration?" Filament asked. "You mean......" and they all laughed!

     "I think we've had enough Halloween!" Filament said. "We've all been tricked very well"

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