Filament's Letter
to Barbara
(Edited by Ann L. Clapper)

Filament Celebrating!

Philament The New York Bear

December 1997

Dear Barbara,

Thank you so much for sending Philomena to me. She is a wonderful bear and she fits right in here... We have a great bear family. Right now she is sitting downstairs on the windowsill... talking to Fiona and Flagyl. I think they are planning our Christmas.

I've been doing ok. I'm still in charge of the list up at the pole. I was in some serious trouble up there last month. Mom and Dad were pretty upset with me as well and I.... well, I was really beside myself with worry and fear!!!! Here's what happened: Somehow my name ended up on Santa's list two times. It was listed under both spellings of my name: Philament and Filament. Mom says I did it on purpose and I admit that she is right. Every year I get soooo worried that Santa is going to forget me that I have a veritable fit on Christmas Eve. I fidget around in the bed all night and nobody gets any sleep.

Anyway, I figured that if I put my name on the list twice I'd have a better chance of being remembered by Santa. I don't know why I get like this... Mom pointed out that Santa has NEVER forgotten me - not once. Well, anyway, I got caught! I went in to work one Friday and checked the list and my name had been completely removed (both spellings). I was so upset and scared. Santa had found out and he had taken my name off and now I would get nothing at all for Christmas! Also, I knew Santa was furious with me for trying to cheat on the list. I knew I didn't have a chance for a present and I thought I might be fired (in disgrace) from my job.

I had a terrible weekend and I couldn't smile or anything. I just kept on worrying and Mom & Dad were very upset as well. After awhile Mom told me that she would give me a Christmas present anyway, so, "Could I please just be quiet for awhile?"

I went up to work Monday with great fear and trepidation. I made believe nothing had happened (because I didn't know what else to do). After the whole crew got to work I checked the list and WOW, my name was back on! I didn't say anything, but I was so relieved..... I can't tell you! After awhile Santa walked through the computer shop. He looked at me and winked..... WHEW!!!!!!

We just went out to lunch. We go to a neat local eatery that has gormet sandwiches. Our favorite is called a "Smoky Mountain." It's smoked turkey with some kind of cheese melted on top and a fancy mustard. It's mmm mmm good.

If Santa remembers me Christmas will really be wonderful this year. Thank you again for sending Philomena. You made me feel very special... Merry Christmas to you and Roy!



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